Talking Data Equity with Heather Krause

Hey Everyone! This is the topic thread for our weekly series: Talking Data Equity!

CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO THE MOST RECENT VIDEOS & POSTS or scroll through to check out previous Talking Data Equity videos and resources!

To sign up for the event head here:

Our free Talking Data Equity series is having an amazing special guest coming up on march 11. Sign up to receive the zoom link below.

Special Guest: Dr. Battle-Baptiste , Director of W.E.B. Du Bois Center at UMass Amherst and a Black Feminist Archaeologist. She is going to share her insights about how identity often urges us to ask different questions, see from different perspectives and how Black Feminist Archaeology leads to different research questions and different methods.”


We are really excited about Dr. Battle-Baptiste joining Talking Data Equity today! Here are some links to resources in preparation:

Excellent talk today!! Thank Dr. Battle-Baptiste again from us!

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Here’s the recording in case you couldn’t make it or want to watch it again!

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Friday at noon (ET)

Special Guests: Dr. Kim Van Der Woerd & Sofia Vitalis from Reciprocal Consulting will share their stories of embedding an indigenous lens in data.

Sign up here:

Check out the Reciprocal Consulting website to get a feel for our amazing upcoming guests:

Here is the video of The Reciprocal Consulting folks sharing their expertise on embedding an Indigenous Lens in evaluation.

Special Guest: Dr. Azadeh Yadollahi , a biomedical engineer at the Toronto Rehab Institute. She is going to share with us her story of embedding data equity in a sleep study centred around people experiencing homelessness.

Friday, April 1, 2022, 12pm (ET)

Sign up here: Talking Data Equity

Here’s the recording of the great conversation with Dr. Yadollahi!

Their work is about embedding equity in language and communications. They build resources about how to avoid trying to get it right by creating recipes for absolutes. And instead, help folx bring attention to a meandering and contradictory patchwork quilt of a language.

Join us live on Friday, noon ET. Registration is free!

Hello! Will a link to the slides as well as the recorded presentation be available? Alex had some awesome infographics, some of which I found on the Radical Copyeditor website and some that I could not (specifically one about being intentionally/appropriately specific) and I would love to pass along to colleagues. It was such a great session.

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Hi @CKCD here is the recording of the hour. Alex has asked that we keep the video unlisted and so mainly accessible to our community rather than the general public. The slides weren’t shared but you can see them in the video :slight_smile:


Special Guest: Alyssa Rosemartin, a specialist with the USA National Phenology Network. She will join us to share stories of data equity in the world of plants and ecology.

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What an amazing talk today! Thank you so much @Alyssa

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I’m sorry I missed this @Alyssa! I got myself confused with time zones. I enjoyed looking at your phenology web map / tool — very cool!

Is there a recording that will be available?

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@allisonb we’ll post the recording right on this thread as soon as it’s processed! :slight_smile:


Here is the video! @allisonb

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Dr. Mareike Schomerus, Vice President at the Busara Center in Nairobi joins us to share her experiences with practical ways to design research and use data in ways that are both good science as well as grounded in local reality.


Here is the raw recording. A version with subtitles will be coming soon!

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