As an evaluator and consultant for Learning for Action, I am eager to continously learn how I can lean into my role in gathering and analyzing data to help inform social sector learning and change. While data can stand behind methodology to seem neutral, I am appreciating that data is not neutral at all. It can be a powerful tool, and one I hope to use with awareness and intent about “who I serve” in defining what constitutes data, whose questions get elevated, for what purposes, and how that data is gathered. Happy to be here with fellow learners!
Hi All, I’m Perry and I work at Michigan State University where I work for a unit that supports student success and equity through a variety of programs. We have a specific focus on using data in our work to understand and close opportunity gaps for specific student populations at the university. Attended a We All Count workshop through the University Innovation Alliance and am excited to join the community!
Hello! I am Lacey McNary from Louisville KY. My company is called McNary Group and we offer research, evaluation, planning and other services. So excited to be a part of this!
My website is
Hi everyone! I’m Clare Nolan and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I work on strategy, evaluation, and learning with nonprofits and their funders. I love We All Count and am excited about this new forum!
I found a website yesterday that used pictures of things in people’s lives to compare the lives of folks from around the world, some with incomes of $30/month, and some with incomes over $4,000/month.
I can’t find that site now. It was awesome. Does anyone have an idea? It’s not ‘gooddollar’ but it is something like that.
Hi Wendy! Yep, I’m the president-elect of COEN this year and hope we can continue to move this conversation forward. I say this with much appreciation for @Kelci.P and the leadership she has shown in CO and the evaluation community with the Collaboratory. The group I facilitate is a spin-off, basically, of the Collaboratory, as a group that wanted to meet monthly for continued conversation on equity in evaluation. It’d be lovely to link the CO folks here together!
@ezeisloft! @mcpope! Yay! More folks talking about museums. When I launched We All Count I loved museums but did not understand how connected they were to data equity.
Welcome @hartere! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you and so happy you’re here. I also enjoyed those BBQs
@Eric from Ford Foundation. I’m a really big fan of your organization’s work. Looking forward to hearing more about your projects.
YMCA in the forum! Welcome @MASerrano. One of the jobs I learned the most about data equity from was a YMCA job. Really excited to connect.
I really love the phrase “While data can stand behind methodology to seem neutral, I am appreciating that data is not neutral at all.” Great image. Thanks for joining the community @ShahlaD
Hi Perry! @fittrerp we are getting a large contingent of folks working in post-secondary ed. We’ll plan some activities and conversations specifically on topics of interest. Let me know what your most pressing questions are
Hi @laceymcnary great to get to know your work. Thanks for sharing. Louisville is such a wonderful place. Excited to see folks from that part of the world joining the forum.
Hello! I’m Alexandra, I’m based in Oxford, UK. I research violence prevention and family wellbeing focusing on intervention evaluation and implementation science. I work as a researcher for the International Rescue Committee (was previously based in Washington, D.C.) and am now also a PhD student at the University of Oxford.
I participated in Heather’s workshop a few years ago and am excited to be engaging in this community forum!
There are some elements of behaviour economics involved, especially when working with system partners. If you’re interested, you can see an evaluation report on the development of our social movement to try and get these longer term behaviour changes embedded across our county. ARC West evaluation
Hi! I’m Sarah Eisele-Dyrli, I’m with CTData Collaborative. I started an Equity in Data Community of Practice in Connecticut, and have shared a lot from the We All Count newsletter with that group. I’m excited that there’s a forum now (since my schedule did not often allow me to attend the live learning community sessions) and look forward to learning from and sharing with all of you!