What Cool Data Equity Websites Should I Know About?

I’m constantly coming across amazing websites that I want to bookmark to return to and share but I’m always forgetting. What are some websites that we should all know about?

I’ll start us off with an all-time fav mapping website (not just a cool website but a great resource in its own right):


Ok, so not only are the geniuses at Pudding making some of the coolest data storytelling ever, about every other story is focused on some kind of equity issue (and in between it’s stuff like “a visual history of Rickrolling” :smiley: ). This one definitely qualifies as ‘cool’. :sunglasses:


CARE Principles of Indigenous Data Governance — Global Indigenous Data Alliance – their PDFs are right under the main graphic as in-text links and are easy to miss. –

Also check out their Resources page for books, papers, foundational documents, etc.


Here are some great equity websites and resources for all:

Centre for Global Inclusion

BC Human Rights Commissioner’s Office
*This link has some solid reports on how the office would like to see disaggregated data collection occur and be used for British Columbian various levels of government, etc.

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Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity throughout Data Integration (AISP 2020):
Centering Racial Equity – Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy

This toolkit provides case examples, activities, and lays out best practices for centering racial equity in the collection, use, and management of data.

The CIE Data Equity Framework (Health Leads 2021): The CIE Data Equity Framework — Health Leads

This data equity framework is grounded in anti-racism and “Do No Harm” data practices. The model shared (Community Information Exchange) outlines specific functions, characteristics, and practices of different kinds of data systems (on a continuum from predatory engagement to a liberatory model). Also provided are an accompanying webinar and system design reflection and planning worksheet.


Yes! This work is so important. Stephanie Russo Carroll is absolutely one of my favourites in developing resources about this. Thanks for sharing it.

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:boom: What WOULD the world be like if we all used data from a do not harm first principle. Thanks for sharing these @jenrose

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I have a few that I can think of off the top of my head (though they are not all solely data-equity focused):

-Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America
-Urban Displacement Project
-State of Homelessness
-COVID-19 Racial Data Tracker
-Who Rules America?
-Speaker Equity Assessor
-Open Diversity Data - It’s not very robust but it has been helpful at times
-Inequality.org’s Resource Page
-Tableau’s Viz of the Day - it is so cool to see the visualizations people develop
-The Journalist’s Resource - this website curates and summarizes research on public policy issues
-Zotero - I’ve literally been using this for years to save and organize articles/papers/etc. that I want to reference later. It has lots of features that make it a very useful tool.
-Connected Papers - I just discovered this website recently and it has been so incredibly helpful. Using the Semantic Scholars database, it allows you to input a particular paper and it will then build you a graph of similar papers in the field.
-EDGAR - A surprisingly large amount of people don’t know about the EDGAR database. It allows you to find any US-based company’s public SEC filings. For those that work in the corporate DEI space, this can be extremely useful! I am thankful for the DEF14A - it has saved me a lot of time searching for things like board composition and executive pay.
-Racial Equity Tools - A website full of tools and resources around racial equity (from data collection practices to core concepts)
-Data Equity with Open Data

I’ll update this comment more if I think of anything else!

Edit: I have thought of more!


Thank you so much for posting these @Alida some of them are new to me and all of them are awesome!

I just learned about this site, Just Tech, from the Social Science Research Council. From the email announcement, Just Tech is “a new website dedicated to mapping research and showcasing researchers and practitioners leading the field of social justice and emergent technology.”

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The Urban Indian Health Institute has a nice set of resources on indigenous evaluation.


I’ve used this resource in an undergrad Oppression and Privilege course to help students visualize the history of oppression and treaties with Indigenous people. It’s great!

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Thanks for the update @laraparks75 it’s great to hear from you :blue_heart: