Evaluating representation

I am developing an evaluation plan for state efforts to support and expand community health work in community and clinical settings. Recruiting for this workforce usually prioritizes lived experience, a social work heart, and community connections over formal education. I’d like to evaluate the extent to which this workforce is concordant/representative with the people/patients they serve across various factors of lived experience, community knowledge, and demographics. Does anyone have experience evaluating representation in a scenario akin to what I’ve described? I’d love to learn about your experience and would appreciate any suggestions, resources, and/or tips that might inform my approach. Thank you!


Hey @kstenhoff I don’t know of any evaluations in a community health work setting. I think there is a body of examples in the clinical field.

This one might be a useful example for you as it’s focussed on racial concordance

There is also conversation around the relative value of matching around demographics and training to understand folks from other demographics which I think is quite interesting: