Hey y’all!
I am working on a project for my full-time job where we have shared tools with sub-grantees (things like interview questions, surveys, etc.) so that they can collect data from their participants. Program participants are attending sub-grantee programs in person all over the country, and we plan to use this data for quality improvement and marketing. We would like to share the findings from this data in a white paper (or other public report). Participants are from a variety of locations and backgrounds, including some children and adults with disabilities, who are all considered “vulnerable” research groups. However,
If I were collecting this information myself, I would use consent forms, etc. But… I’ve never worked with sub-grantees before, so I’m not quite sure what to do or how strict to be. Likely, their program staff (who I assume are fingerprinted, trained, background checked, etc.) some of whom are full-time employees of government agencies, will be collecting this data. Do I need to require that they get consent forms signed? Or can I just use whatever data they send?
Would love some advice!