Favorite survey platforms?

Hi all,

I’ve been using Qualtrics for some time now, but my team is interested in other options. Do you all have any other favorite platforms? It would be great if the platform has some flexibility with design, the standard question types plus ability to use skip logic and other features (piping, carry-forward, embedded data, etc). Also great if there’s a built-in distribution function (email and text).

We’ve looked into QuestionPro and SurveyGizmo so far!

Thanks in advance!!

Hi! We use REDCap and I love it. The best thing: it’s free for non-profits and higher ed institutions. https://www.project-redcap.org/


+1 for Redcap - really versatile. It is (or can be) HIPAA compliant if that is necessary for you.

My team uses Verint and we like it. It is supplicated to manage intricate survey design, and you can also do some level of data cleaning in the system. Great customer service, as well!

+1 for REDCap! It’s free for non-commercial uses and has plugins for R, SPSS, and other statistical software for analysis and reporting.

I’d also suggest looking into REDCap! We shifted from Qualtrics to REDCap a couple years ago and also wanted to maintain those features you mentioned – it’s been working well so far.