Data Manager Job Opening: United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona

My team at the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona is hiring a second Data Manager. This is a full-time position with a robust benefits package.

The Cradle to Career Partnership works under the guidance of our national partner, StriveTogether, to evaluate and improve our county’s educational system as well as provide youth and educators with timely training and resources, with the goal of improving Pima County’s economic mobility. The Data Manager would be working with me to analyze and visualize the data from our programs, build a relational database, provide insights for reports, host data literacy workshops, and host a data change action network.

You can view the listing here:

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Yes, I am interested for this job position. I want to apply for this. I fulfill all the criteria for this job post.

Can you tell me where I need to apply?

Also I checked this document :point_right::